Colour has played an important part in all of my artworks throughout my creative practice, particularly using colour to influence physical and emotional well-bring.

The effects colours can have when placed next to another, can shift and vary, and influence how a viewer may engage with my artworks.

For this exhibition, I have specifically focused on the healing properties of the colours themselves. The ‘greyscale’ images were specifically made to serve as a counterpoint to the colour pieces on display and give balance to the whole show so as to not overwhelm the exhibition.




‘Take a sad song and make it better’

100cm X 100cm - Acrylic on Canvas

Embrace changes in life, even when they come from challenging situations. Just like transforming a sad song into something beautiful, the power is there to turn difficulties into opportunities for growth and renewal.


‘The long and winding road, that leads to your door’

100cm X 100cm - Acrylic on Canvas

Life’s journey is filled with twists and turns, ups and downs. Finding balance means embracing both the challenges and triumphs along the way. Trusting that every step, even the difficult ones, brings us closer to where we are meant to be. Staying grounded, staying accepting and open to change, will allow the natural rhythm of life to guide towards harmony, balance and fulfilment.


‘You say you want a revolution, well you know, we all want to change the world’

100cm X 100cm - Acrylic on Canvas

True change starts with a single spark of passion and courage to challenge the status quo and embrace the spirit of revolution within. Being unafraid to stand up for what we believe in, and making that small start to take bold steps toward creating our world can lead to great change to make a difference.

‘Don’t you know it’s gonna be, alright. It’s gonna be, alright’


‘Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see’

100cm X 100cm - Acrylic on Canvas

It’s time to open our eyes to the limitless potential that lies ahead. Vision is not about seeing what is directly in front of us, but also imagining what could be. Dream big and allow our imagination to guide us towards our goals. We can trust in the ability to envision a future that aligns with our aspirations. By looking beyond the immediate, we can unlock the power to shape our destiny with clarity and purpose.


‘Here comes the sun, and I say, It’s alright’

100cm X 100cm - Acrylic on Canvas

Embrace the promise of renewal in life. Just as the sun rises each day bringing light and warmth after the darkness, we too can experience fresh beginnings and positive change. It’s time to let go of the past and welcome the new opportunities that are coming our way. Trust that no matter how challenging things may have been, brighter days are ahead. Allow the energy of renewal to fill us with hope and optimism, and be able to step forward with confidence into the light of a new day.


‘Imagine all the people, living life in peace…’

100cm X 100cm - Acrylic on Canvas

This artwork captures the essence of tranquility and harmony through its intricate mosaic of colours and shapes. The meticulously arranged geometric forms create a sense of calm and balance, inviting viewers to find stillness and serenity within the complexity of it’s forms.

This piece speaks to the universal quest for peace—both within ourselves and in the world around us. It reminds us that peace is not just the absence of conflict but the presence of a deep, abiding harmony that encompasses all facets of existence. Through its soothing visual language, "Peace" inspires a sense of hope and optimism, encouraging viewers to cultivate a peaceful mind and heart.


‘It’s getting better all the time’

100cm x 100cm - Acrylic on Canvas

“Optimism" mirrors the themes of inner peace, resilience, and renewal, inviting viewers to look beyond the present moment and envision a future filled with possibilities. The dynamic patterns and bold colours serve as a visual metaphor for the potential within each of us to overcome obstacles and create positive change.